Monday, December 20, 2010

Why not?

Well, I haven't posted in a while. I figured I should because I have been ignoring this site for a while. So, I did more in photoshop and more drawings. But because I drew more, photoshop pictures will be added at a later time. Only 2 pictures were scanned because shortly after the scanner stopped functioning. So, though no one reads this, enjoy the art.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Latest work

Out side of my actual job, I have been drawing and messing around on Photoshop. This is actually some of the work, I can't show all due to the graphical nature of it. The bottom most one was the thing I actually liked that turned out from Photoshop.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Boredom in between assignments

Okay, so in between the assignments I was bored enough to make some random pictures. Not much to say after that. I think some look fine and others don't. My main question is, which one do you guys like the most, if any at all.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Assignment 11

Not really much of a description to this one, but yeah... This is the labels and corresponding pictures to 6 types of crops.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Assignment 9 Beta Image and Complete Image

Assignment 9, I have taken 5 pictures in this one, but 2 of them was covered by 2 different ones, so I had to result back to just to 3 images. It was pointed at an area as if a crowd saw something. One person being distracted by a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube. Beta image, but figured I would share it to get some feed back. I might be redoing this image to make it have more of me. Maybe with one other person in it. Because of the nature and tone change of the images though, I had to actually change the colour and tint of them to make them match.

With the second picture, I did do it with my own camera, and I am aware it isn't that good of quality. However, the top image does show the requirements and I did have to change some of the shading in the image. The pictures don't look as fake as the bottom one, but I think the images itself could have been tied together better.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Assignment 10

For this assignment, I have chosen the tutorial for LightSabers from Star Wars. Nothing too special really. Yes, yes I showed the final results in a full picture. This is not hard at all, and I made all this.
